… is that everything is smaller. That includes dogs (I say 'dog' I really mean 'small-dog-like-looking-rat-on-end-of-leash-wearing-little-doggy-jumper-and-goes-'grrrrrrr''), people (this is great! I actually feel taller than most other people…although some of the men are rather tall), towels (rather annoying actually, because I want to buy another one) and so far…that I've noticed…washing powder (for clothes) and softener…not sure why…although the scoopy thing that came with my packet of washing powder is also suspiciously smaller…I'm hoping that it's more concentrated…
On the whole subject of things to wash clothes with…when I was buying this stuff in the supermarket, I noticed that they are very into their refills…also and excellent way to reduce packaging… lots of choice and makes things more economic…thought that was cool not only is this done for softeners, but for body wash, shampoo, liquid soap, conditioner…practically everything that's sold can be refilled…
Another thing, on the pavement (all around Tokyo, especially on the metro system and on campus) there is tactile paving…taking you all around Tokyo, they are yellow paths with raise lumps…straight raised lines aligned to the direction of the path and raised dimples for when the path changes direction…all for the partially sighted.
Anyway these pseudo dogs. Are TINY! I didn't know you could get then that small… and I've seen millions of them…running behind their owners, in trolleys in supermarkets but mainly being carried around in bags.
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